Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker

+++ 04:34 Angriff auf Klinik in Saporischschja: Zahl der Toten increases to four +++

There is a Russian Raketenangriff in a clinic in the southern Ukrainian city of Saporisch Schja, who can take the minds of four people after a young Ukrainian government. The Governor of the Saporischschja Region, Ivan Fedorov, comments on the Online Service Telegram, 19 more people are lost. In een früheren Beitrag sprach Federow von mindestens zwei Toten. There has been a “heavy infrastructure” in the city center of Saporischschja, there is talk of a governor. The Privatklinik will become “zerstört”. Weitere Opfer could not lie nor under the Trümmern.

+++ 02:47 Medwedew journey to China +++
The senior Russian security officer Dmitry Medwedew has been affected by serious discussions with the Chinese leadership in Beijing, and reports from Russian security agencies are absent. Der Besuch von Medwedew, de stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des powerful Russian Security Councils, is the part of the Vertiefung der Beziehungen Zwitser Moskau und Beijing. Both times, Russia’s major invasion of Ukraine was organized in February 2022 to intensify “Partnerschaft ohne Grenzen”.

+++ 01:34 Drohne zerstört IAEA-Fahrzeug at Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja +++
A Russian Drohne has hit a service of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the road to nuclear power saporischsha and has received a message from Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj. “Dieser Angriff hat deutlich said, whoever Russia is concerned with, was with international Law, international Institutions and Security zu tun hat,” Selensky wrote to Telegram and gave an open response from the IAEA and the international Partner. Rafael Gross, director general of the IAEA, has declared the fear “inactive” and defused the separate roles of agencies in the nuclear strike in Ukraine’s Krieges.

+++ 00:32 Scholz thinks Merz’ Besuch in Kiew is “gut” +++
Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in charge of trade union candidates Friedrich Merz in Ukraine. “It is full in the Order when the Oppositionsführer with others undermines the proper policy. And if all goes well, it is a big war, that is the struggle in the Ukraine that has happened,” said the SPD candidate in the ARD . Merz hatte am Montag Kiev, was met in Warsaw by the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and then with French President Emmanuel Macron on the phone.

+++ 23:36 Merz see with Poland’s Prime Minister of Ukraine +++
CDU chief Friedrich Merz has a task in Warsaw with the Polish Director Donald Tusk about the Krieg in the Ukrainian government. With Tusk, “the image of a contact group has emerged, a European path that the Russian Kriegs has found to find Ukraine,” Merz am Abend writes in Online Service The CDU chief treated Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky in Kiev and that love belongs to the Taurus-Marschflugkörpern-zugesagt. Learn more about a conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron on the topic.

+++ 22:15 Kein Science-Fiction: Selenskyj preist ukrainian Drohnenentwicklungen +++
The Ukraine has joined the Abwehr of the Russian Angriffskriegs with a weitreichende Raketen and Drohnen from its own production. If you see this science-fiction issue, “it is real,” President Wolodymyr Selenskyj said in Kiev. When the Ehrung earns a Ukrainian scientist, there is another new Drohne Palyanytsja with Jetantrieb. Posts will appear in the first of August. “That Palyanytsja-Rakete has gone into mass production,” says Selenskyj. “The Drohnenrakete Peklo hat ihren first Kampfeinsatz erolgreich asolvviert”, the message is further. The army has made the first flight with a Reichsweite from a distance of 700 kilometers. Außerdemberichtet Selenskyj von erolgreichen Tests een Rakete mit der Bezeichnung Ruta. Most properties are not possible. “The long term of Neptune will become reality for the Besatzer bald zur schrecklichen,” said the president.

+++ 21:27 Demography problem solved? Russian Regions zahlen Studentinnen Geld fürs Kinderkriegen +++
Mittlerweile zahlen eleven Russian Regions, Studentinnen ab dem kommenden Jahr 100.000 Rubel (1000 Euro) for the Geburt a Kindes, messet das Portal 7×7. So look at the Kreml that this could pose demographic problems that have existed for many years. Russians have a German kürzere Lebenserwartung like many European states. The Russian invasion of Ukraine would have shifted the problem of the Russians in the Corona pandemic. So it is not that there are Russian men in the Krieg, some fall, for all young people, but it is good to see from the country, if the big silent man zum Krieg wurden a little. The Prämie will end in July in the Karelian Republic, then we will follow other regions, such as Tomsk and Altai. Bedingungen für die Zahlung sind, dass die Frauen Vollzeitstudentinnen en zwischen 18 und 23 bzw. 18 and 25 years is more time. The Kreml has highlighted the childish lifestyle of its “extremist ideology”. Stattdessen have President Putin Families with three or more children of Norm. 2023 Russia has a Geburtenrate, which is so low, which is pretty much 20 Years Not More (1.45 Kinder pro Frau).

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